Annual Awards Banquet

All members and friends of the Breakwater Irregulars are invited to attend our annual banquet and awards ceremony, traditionally held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and most often at Stamford Yacht Club. That is the case again in 2024, when the banquet will be at SYC on Saturday, November 23, starting with a cocktail hour at 7 PM.

Prepaid reservations are required. Checks payable to STAMFORD YACHT CLUB should be delivered by October 31 to:

Breakwater Irregulars
106 Stamford Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902

The price per person is $TBD. A late fee applies after the due date for any remaining seats.

Subsidized pricing has been announced to the skippers. It is available to those boat crews whose timely reservations are made and paid via their skippers. (Tickets purchased by individual crew members or other friends of BI are not eligible.) This is where most of our surplus funds for each year are made available to those who paid annual fees.

The banquet is fun, but it’s also an important part of the Breakwaters program. A peculiar aspect of sailboat racing is that the sport doesn’t give us many opportunities to meet each other in person. Indeed, “contact” is something we try to avoid while racing! We arrive from different clubs and marinas, and we return to them after each race. The annual party is a special opportunity to meet the sailors on other boats, whose competition makes our racing so enjoyable. It is also an opportunity for nonracing family members and friends to see why we spend our summer Tuesday nights the way we do. It strengthens us as a club.